The Wedded Life

I have some quotes here from the first chapter of "Home Making" by JR Miller. But it takes for granted that couples should actualy get married, not just live together, and aim to live according to Gods plan as can be read in the Bible.
"...and when the wedded life is ruled by love. Then the bridal wreath remains fresh and fragrant till it is laid upon the coffin by the loving hands of the one who survives to close the eyes of the other..."
Remember there are different definitions of love, in our modern english. People worry about this but no one is perfect, meaning everyone is ill mated to some degree. Once married, the priciples are the same."It may be discovered after the marriage has been formed that the parties are ill mated... yet the Scriptures are very explicit in their teachings, that the tie once formed is indissoluble."
The weirdest thing to me, is hearing from couples that are already living together being shy of marriage. As if they would latter find they were ill mated after marriage. The mind boggles, such a misunderstanding I don't know where to start." is but the simplest commonplace to say that the greatest care should be taken before marriage to make sure that the union will be a true one, that the two lives will sweetly blend together, and that each will be able to make the other at least measurable happy. If there were more wise and honest forethought with regard to marriage, there would be less afterthought of regret and repenting."
If you are already living with someone, forget the above paragraph. Get married, make it work.
About marriage, for those that do it without telling Mum, in LasVegas: "It is surely worth while, therefore, to make the occasion itself just as delightful as possible, to gather about it and into it whatever will help to make it memorable, so that it shall stand out bright and sacred among all life’s days and hours. This is not done when the marriage is secret; there are no associations about the event in that case to make its memory a source of pleasure in after years."
Some romantic language: "Angels hover about the marriage altar and hush their songs while hands are clasped and holy vows are plighted, and then spread their sheltering wings over the happy pair as they start out together on the voyage of life."
Some real advice: "The first lesson to be learned and practiced is loving patience."
This one is more important than we think these days. It will come up in several self-help books: "Another secret of happiness in married life is courtesy. ...[why do] so many husbands and wives drop the charming little amenities and refinements of manner toward each other that so invariably the delightfully characterized their intercourse before marriage?"
For those wives that have no interest in motorsport, or never come to the back shed when asked: "No marriage is complete which does not unite and blend the wedded lives at every point. This can be secured only by making every interest common to both. Let both hearts throb with the same joy and share each pang of sorrow."

"Another rule for wedded life is to watch against every small beginning of misunderstanding or alienation... Has a hasty word been spoken? Instantly recall it and ask for forgiveness. Is there a misunderstanding? No matter whose the fault may be, do not allow it to remain one hour."
"Surely too much is involved, too great responsibility, too many and too precious interests, to venture upon wedded life without Christ."
That's very good! I've been wanting to read that book for some time, and now I really have to. Thanks for the quotes you shared.
I have this book, and I have read it once. I want to read it again now! Perhaps I Dave will want to read a bit of it with me. As I was reading your post, however, I was not entirely sure you were being serious . . . especially when I saw the car picture! Or was that just for some temporary light relief?
That is my trade mark. No one is entirely sure.
Serious, but having a joke at the same time.
jonny is always serious and yet always joking.
Everything Jonny says is true. And yet there may be more to it. Keep this in mind and you'll see.
Wow, people are catching on.
I only caught on 'cos you told me. Imagine how confused I still would be had you not . . .
Thanks for the post. I hate it that I appreciate quotes from a book with a cover such as that, but there it is. It's always heartening to have men exhorting what might appear soft but is actually truely good and masculine behaviour - and feminine! Thanks for making the effort to add to your mix of the electic serious, and light. What ever will be next?
Got here by way of Laura by way of John Dekker (and I 'know' Sherrin, btw)! Very interested to see you quote from this book. I haven't read it yet, but I know the general position. Good stuff. Too bad I didn't know about all you people and your church when I was in Hobart 18 months ago!
Funny how only females have commented on this page....hmmm. Car bit, spot on.
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