Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas time

Christmas time is great, because you don't feel guilty for doing nothing. If you have a job, you get holidays (and money). If you are looking for a job, you have no chance so little point in looking. If you run your own business, you are going to loose money between Christmas and new years. Nothing you can do about it.

People go back to their families. If you have no family, you will be very lonely indeed. Unless kind people invite you to their home.

Christmas morning is great, if only you can find fresh dry cell batteries and a small phillips screwdriver. In the past I have tried using a kitchen knife, and batteries from the household wireless phone.

And you get to eat and drink any food you want without getting dirty looks, even in the morning.

Tim Hansard and I are going to loose 2kg over the Christmas period.



Blogger Stuart T. Rochester said...

You won't need batteries for our present.

22 December, 2008 22:43  
Blogger Renae said...

Is there any link between Tim wanting to lose 2kg and Tim going in the Burnie 10 next year? That would be great! We need to enlist him now!!

10 January, 2009 21:47  

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