XA-XC Falcon
I was only 3, and for some reason Mum and Dad wanted a holiday without me. (It gets stranger). Some "friends" were employed to look after the house and me. Mum and Dad said goodbye, I did some kicking and screaming, and the new people parked their car were Mum and Dads car would have been. It was weird, but I tried to carry out my daily activities. Playing in the sandpit, throwing rocks at the chooks, and riding my tricycle etc. Then the lady came running at me! "Get away from the car" she shouted. I was shocked. The garage belonged to me, for me to ride my trike in. That’s what Mum said. They were guests. I would crash my tricycle into Mum and Dads car often. This puzzled me for many years, and only later (retaining the visual from that event) I worked out that car must have been a XB Falcon. Hey wait a sec, in 1977 that Falcon must have been fairly new. Regardless, Mum and Dad wouldn’t have talked to me like that. To them I was more important than a car, and I can almost guarantee that Falcon is now a rust bucket or crushed long ago.