UTAS Warman Finals
After a short presentation, we did our first official run. The tank lept into life (a little too fast really) and somehow got over both barriers and collected a golf ball as a bonus. Except the 7 second timer ran out just after the vehicle had already got to the end. So zero points for the first run. We changed the program to 5 seconds for the second run, but at the first barrier it broke a O-ring drive belt.
Pictured here is the drive sprocket, which I made on the lathe. I had to get out the calculator and plan this design!
With all that finished, I took the tank over to show Brandon and the kids. They loved it, and Brandon says he is now going to do engineering at uni. Mostly he wants me to teach him how to build little tanks. During the evening we got smoke to come out of the power transistor. Fun while it lasted.
You can see here the battery packs, and circuit board with the heat sink, and the motor with drive belt. It was all zip tied down at the lat minuite.